Free Online Class: Propaganda and the Personal, December 22
Our Class Schedule is Up!

Free Introductory Class: Austrian Economics for Teens

Have you been hearing a lot about the "Austrian School of Economics" lately? Are you interested in finding out more, but not yet sure about committing to an entire semester-long course?

Join us next Tuesday, December 21, at 6:00pm Pacific Time, as instructor Josh Mawhorter takes students through an issue that is central to the debate between free markets and a centralized economy, and that illuminates some of the key distinctions of the Austrian School: The labor theory of value.

To sign up for this free class, just send us an email!*


Here, Josh explains one of the fundamental problems with the labor theory of value:


*Note: Because we are a private membership association, students who take our classes must become members of the Freogan Fellowship. This is free, easy to do, and can be revoked at any time!



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