Can Poetry Save the World? Find Out Next Tuesday, Jan. 4th
Poetry Pop-Ups - Coming this Spring

Classes Start Monday!



"After taking the Common Law class, I feel more independent: I see my rights as a human being in a new light and understand the power/limitations of the government in ways that I hadn't before. Every US citizen needs to understand the common law principles. Thank you!"

– A student ("Our Common-Law Foundations", Fall 2021)


Last month, we finished our first-ever semester of classes. We only had two at that time: "Our Common-Law Foundations", and "Propaganda and the Personal."

Next week, we'll be starting our next session, with several more offerings. In addition to our first two clases, we will also offer:

  • The Constitution
  • Introduction to Austrian Economics
  • Early American History
  • Personal Finanace for Teens
  • English Literature
  • Creative Writing

You can see the class schedules here. Classes start on Monday and Tuesday, but we will be accepting enrollments through the end of the week.

In addition to our full-semester (13-week) classes, we will also plan to offer some shorter classes, including some single-session classes. Stay tuned for more information on those!

And please feel free to drop us a line to let us know about any other subjects you'd like to see, or any thoughts you may have about what we're doing. We would love to hear from you!





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