Why it turns out, yes it can.
Many thanks to JP Sears for sending on this video, which without referring to the specifics of our current world, very aptly describes it. And pay close attention to the advice from Vaclav Havel near the end, regarding setting up "parallel systems." All the stuff I'm talking about in my new membership group? None of it is new - the people who have fought and defeated totalitarian regimes in the past knew all about it. Now it's our turn. And maybe, hopefully, if we can do an even better job of this, nobody will have to take a turn at this ever again.
As JP says:
This video, in very clear objective ways, outlines the physiological tactics tyrants use to control the masses. One of the reasons why I think this video is so impactful is that it doesn't use any literal references from the tyranny we see happening today. The information more digestible, especially to people who are either unaware or just beginning to wake up to what's happening in our world. Watch and share it here.