I only found out about Millennial Woes because my friend Radical Liberation was going to appear on Millenniyule 2021. I checked out Millenniyule, and what he was talking about really seemed to fit with a lot of the things I'm doing and writing about, so I wrote and asked if I could be on this year, and... Woes signed me up to come on the show on Dec 28th!
Now, after listening to RadLib's Millenniyule episode, I'm even more excited. Nearly everything (of course not EVERYTHING because that would just be spooky) they talk about resonates with me, and much of it is stuff I've written or spoken about over the years. For example, this, and this. This, this, this and this. Also this. And especially THIS!
...and it just reaffirms my belief that this is a time when many of us are finding our true tribes. Not necessarily the ones we were born into, or even the ones that we thought lined up with our ideologies or spiritual beliefs... but the ones that really DO line up. And what I think it is is that a whole lot of us have a pretty good idea of what the big problem is. Maybe none of us perceive it completely, but a whole bunch of us have a good rough idea. And we are passionate about finding solutions. So here we are, coming from different directions, right, left, libertarian, Christian, not Christian... and we're all aiming at the same thing while at the same time trying to formulate in our own minds what that thing looks like. And it's pretty awesome.
Anyway, this is well worth listening to:
...and be sure to listen to my episode on Dec. 28th UK time, (4pm the 27thPacific Time.)